
My practice explores identity, migration and being through painting. My portraits are a celebration of unvoiced complexities behind our experiences, surroundings and relationships. Process is a key component in my work, as I reference images and bind them to form a narrative, while the paint acts as a guide. Through being playful and light-hearted with social constructs, I attempt to tap into familiar fluctuations of being a person. Paper and oil paint are the core of my practice, as these materials offer room for learning and experimentation, as well as constraint.

The paintings incorporate large visible brush strokes that bridge the abstract and figurative. These marks feel natural to me and allow me to develop my painting language, balancing the conventional and unconventional. Familiar images are incorporated and abstracted within the painterly style. They remain present, representing the various identities and social constructs that I enjoy observing, mimicking and collaborating with the playful application of paint. Simultaneously, they are hidden from the viewer within the construct of the work.